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PEST Narrative

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PEST Narrative
Storyboard That

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PEST Analyse


af Nathanael Okhuysen

Når man forbereder sig på fremtiden, involverer virksomheder sig i strategisk planlægning. Denne proces ser på faktorer både inden for og udenfor virksomheden, og bruger ofte en SWOT-analyse eller lignende rammer til at organisere de genererede oplysninger. Strategisk planlægning, der undersøger eksterne faktorer kaldes miljøscanning.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

PEST analysis example - environmental scanning

Storyboard Tekst

  • Recently, Sophie has thought about selling her crafts online. She likes it as a hobby, but wants to know how viable it would be for supplementing her income.
  • She worries it won't be successful though. She knows other people who have poured time and money into their online businesses without ever turning a profit.
  • Sophie decides to do some environmental scanning to decide if it's a good time to start an online store. She uses Storyboard That to organize her research, analyze opportunities, and inform her business plan.
  • Storyboard That's presentation options help her discuss her idea to fellow hobbyists, and even secure a small business loan.
  • Because she did her research and prepared, Sophie is careful in transitioning her hobby into a job. She has realistic expectations, and is prepared for the future. She is the proud operator of a successful small business!
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