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Risk Assessment Storyboard for Experimental Design in Science

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Risk Assessment Storyboard for Experimental Design in Science
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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Experimental Design Risk Assessment for science experiments

Storyboard Tekst

  • Running
  • Activity
  • Risk
  • Risk Management
  • Seeing how fast you can run 100 m
  • • Students could fall and hurt themselves • Asthma attack if students have asthma • Strained muscles
  • • Clear the running track of objects that people could fall over • If the participant has asthma check that they have their inhaler • Warm up and cool down effectively
  • Heating
  • Heating with a Bunsen burner
  • • Students could burn themselves • Students could set their hair alight • Students could damaged their eyes
  • • Leave the equipment to cool before touching it • Switch their Bunsen burner off when they finish heating • Wear safety googles when heating and tie hair back
  • Dissection
  • Dissecting a sheep's heart with scissors and scalpel
  • • Students could cut themselves while using scalpel or scissors • Students could get food poisoning from contaminated hearts
  • • Don't walk around with scalpel or scissors • Wear gloves during dissection and wash hands after dissection • Disinfect desks and materials after the dissection
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