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Fate of Oedipus T-Chart - Choices and Consequences

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Fate of Oedipus T-Chart - Choices and Consequences
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Lektionsplaner af Rebecca Ray

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Fate of Oedipus T-Chart - Choices and Consequences (for character development)

Storyboard Tekst

  • King Laius tries to dispose of Oedipus once he hears the prophecy.
  • The servant he sent to abandon Oedipus could not do it. Instead, he was given to a passing herdsman, and was eventually adopted by the King and Queen of Corinth.
  • Oedipus hears a rumor that he might be adopted, so he goes to Delphi to find out. The oracle only tells him​ that he will kill his father and marry his mother.
  • Not knowing the truth, and still believing the King and Queen of Corinth to be his real parents, he leaves the city. At a crossroads, he meets King Laius. The two quarrel, and Oedipus kills him.
  • Oedipus arrives in Thebes to find it being terrorized by the Sphynx. It will only leave after its riddle is answered. Oedipus accepts the challenge, answers it correctly, and saves Thebes.
  • Finding that the Queen of Thebes, Jocasta, was recently widowed, Oedipus marries her to solidify his new leadership.
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