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Bullying - Actions to Take if YOU are Bullied

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Bullying - Actions to Take if YOU are Bullied
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Bevidsthed om Mobning i Skolen

Typer af Mobning

By Rebecca Ray

Her på Storyboard That har vi fundet ud af, at ved at bruge storyboards til at skabe rollespilsscenarier, kan eleverne bedre se virkningerne og karakteristika ved mobning. Gennem interaktive lektioner kan du være med til at ændre elevernes tankegang fra "mobning er et problem" til "mobning er et problem, og jeg kan gøre noget ved det".


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Actions to stop bullying if you are the one being bullied. Teach students bullying prevention with comics

Storyboard Tekst

  • I'm being bullied and I need some help.
  • I had no idea! Please let me know how I can help you.
  • Hey, Ugly! I'm talking to you four-eyes!
  • Welcome to the Peer Mediation Club!
  • I am not stupid! I get good grades and always try my hardest.
  • Tell someone: ask friends, adults, teachers, and parents.
  • Stay calm and confident, use neutral language, and walk away.
  • Raise awareness: start a club or anti-bullying campaign.
  • No one has the right to bully you.
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