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Signs Someone is Being Bullied

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Signs Someone is Being Bullied
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Bevidsthed om Mobning i Skolen

Typer af Mobning

By Rebecca Ray

Her på Storyboard That har vi fundet ud af, at ved at bruge storyboards til at skabe rollespilsscenarier, kan eleverne bedre se virkningerne og karakteristika ved mobning. Gennem interaktive lektioner kan du være med til at ændre elevernes tankegang fra "mobning er et problem" til "mobning er et problem, og jeg kan gøre noget ved det".


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Signs Someone is Being Bullied | Help students identify the effects of bullying with comics

Storyboard Tekst

  • I can't go today..
  • • Frequent tears or anger • Mood swings • Becomes withdrawn • Becomes aggressive and unreasonable •
  • I... fell.
  • Honey! What happened to your new dress?
  • Go away and leave me alone!
  • Hey, Carl!
  • •Pattern of feeling ill and and not wanting to attend school • Has unexplained bruises, cuts, scratches • Comes home with missing or damaged things •
  • … this isn't like you. You haven't turned in an assignment all week.
  • • School grades begin to fall • Continually "loses" money or starts stealing • Refuses to talk about what is wrong • Begins to target siblings •
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