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Roter Farn: Diagramm

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Roter Farn: Diagramm
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Wo der Rote Farn Wächst von Wilson Rawls

Wo der rote Farn wächst von Wilson Rawls

Von Lauren Ayube

Der junge Billy hat immer davon geträumt, einen Hund zu haben. Nicht irgendein Hund und nicht nur ein Hund. Billy träumt davon, zwei Waschbärhunde zu haben und sie zur Jagd zu erziehen. Billy arbeitet und arbeitet daran, Geld zu sparen, um sich diese Hunde zu kaufen, und hat keine Ahnung, welchen wahren Wert sie für sein Leben bringen werden.


Wo der Rote Farn Wächst

Storyboard Beschreibung



  • Wo der rote Farn wächst von Wilson Rawls
  • Well there they are. What do you think of them?
  • It is a great honor to present you with this championship cup.
  • Young Billy has always dreamed of having a dog. Not just any dog, and not just one dog. Billy dreams of having two raccoon hounds and raising them to hunt. Billy works and works to save money to buy himself these dogs and has no idea the true value that they will bring to his life.
  • Billy desperately wants hunting dogs, but his family cannot afford it. Billy works odd jobs for two years in order to save enough money to buy his two hunting dogs. When he has enough money, he walks into town and purchases two pups, who he names Old Dan and Little Ann.
  • The dogs are natural hunters and become well known in the area. Billy enters the dogs in a raccoon hunting contest and they win money as a prize.
  • It's the sacred red fern!
  • After the contest, Billy and the dogs are hunting and come across a mountain lion. The dogs save Billy’s life by fighting off the mountain lion, and Old Dan is very badly injured.
  • Old Dan dies from his injuries, and Billy is devastated. Little Ann is heartbroken and refuses to eat. She loses her will to live and dies while lying across Old Dan’s grave.
  • The family is able to move further into town due to the money the dogs won from the hunting competition. Before they move, Billy visits the dogs’ graves and sees that a sacred red fern has grown in between them.
  • Bild-Zuordnungen:2351364 ( - SilviaP_Design - Lizenz: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed


  • 2351364 - SilviaP_Design - (Lizenz Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed )
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