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Scientific Method with DNA

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Scientific Method with DNA
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Wissenschaftliche Methode Schritte

Von Oliver Smith

Die wissenschaftliche Methode ist ein ständiger Prozess: Eine Entdeckung kann zu vielen weiteren Fragen führen, die, wenn sie untersucht werden, zu mehr Antworten führen können. Zusätzlich zu einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Schritte der wissenschaftlichen Methode werden Aktivitäten vorgeschlagen, um Ihre Schüler dazu zu bringen, über Wissenschaft in der realen Welt nachzudenken.


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Storyboard Beschreibung

scientific method comic: See the steps of the scientific method for the discovery of DNA's helical shape


  • Part of the Scientific Method
  • ?
  • Example
  • DNA has four bases.
  • Question
  • Avery, MacLeod and McCarty discovered that DNA was likely to carry the genetic information. They did not, however, know the shape of the DNA molecule.
  • Hypothesis
  • Crick and Watson hypothesized that DNA had a helical (spiral) shape.
  • I think __________ will happen.
  • Prediction
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • If the form of DNA were helical, then its X-ray diffraction pattern would be X-shaped.
  • I carried out an experiment using X-rays to look at the structure of DNA. Using this image I made, we can work out what the structure is.
  • Experiment
  • Rosalind Franklin was carrying out research at Kings College, London. She looked at the structure of DNA using X-ray diffraction.
  • Analysis
  • The images were shared with Watson and Crick who analyzed the images and discovered that the pattern matched their hypothesis and prediction.
  • Image Attributions:X-ray ensemble ( - genomebiology - License: Attribution (


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