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How to be an Ally

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How to be an Ally
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Geschlecht und Sexualität

Geschlecht und Sexualität

Unterrichtspläne von Patrick Healey

Die menschliche Sexualität ist ein nuanciertes Thema und den Schülern können widersprüchliche Informationen präsentiert werden. Teenager möchten heute über dieses Thema sprechen, und die Rolle des Lehrers besteht darin, die Diskussion auf lehrreiche und fortschrittliche Weise zu erleichtern.


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Storyboard Beschreibung

How to be an ally for the LGBTQ community


  • I have to go, but thanks for listening!
  • I'm not sure how to say this...
  • Looking into other issues facing the LGBTQ community is a sign of a great ally. Be a resource to others when needed.
  • No problem. I'm going to look up some stuff online. See you in class. 
  • Being there to listen is a simple way to be a good ally. You may be the only person they feel comfortable coming to.
  • Just try, I'm all ears. 
  • Everything you just told me stays with me. 
  • Keeping an open mind when someone is opening up to you is important. An effective ally is actively thinking about the effect of phobias on LGBTQ individuals.
  • I feel so much better that I was able to talk to someone about this!
  • If someone is coming out or opening up to you, an ally is someone who respects confidentiality. Assume that this person wants you to know only.
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