La toma de decisiones es una habilidad importante para la vida que los estudiantes deben desarrollar y practicar en un entorno seguro. Tomar decisiones difíciles puede ser un ejercicio que provoque ansiedad y es útil para que el proceso sea más accesible para los estudiantes. Las siguientes actividades están diseñadas para proporcionar a los estudiantes formas de visualizar escenarios y ayudar a desarrollar tomadores de decisiones positivos.
Reasonable Decisions and Snap Decisions | Decision Making Scenarios Baseball Example
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I want you to pitch the first 4 innings.
Where do you want me to play today coach?
Should I throw a fast ball or a curve ball?
Fastball! Swing now!
No decision is when someone makes the decision for you. My coach made the decision for me to pitch in the game.
A reasonable decision is when someone weighs the options and makes the best possible choice. I weighed out the options and knew I had a better chance of striking out the batter with a fast ball.
A snap decision is when there is a decision made without weighing the options. The batter had no time to weigh the consequences and just swung.