  • Otsing
  • Minu Süžeeskeemid
Tegevuse Ülevaade
Malli ja Klassi Juhised
Tegevuse Ülevaade Accordion Arrow

Tegevuste Ülevaade

Segatud söömine on asi, mida tavaliselt hoitakse saladuses. Mõned neist hoiatavatest märkidest võivad olla abihüüuks ja neid ei tohiks eirata. Selle tegevuse käigus loovad õpilased visuaale kõige olulisematest hoiatavatest märkidest , mis aitavad neid reaalses elus tuvastada. Siin on mõned väikesed hoiatussildid, mida võite kaalulanguse korral kätte saada, kui keegi kannatab. Mõned neist võivad olla:

  • Tähelepanu kaal, kalorid ja rasvasisaldus
  • Nälja eitamine
  • Söömisel isoleerimine
  • Dramaatiline kaalulangus
  • Kottjas riietus, et varjata kaalulangust
  • Kommentaarid kaalu kohta
  • Liigne treening
  • Toidurituaalid
  • Vältige täielikult söömist
  • Vannitoa kasutamine vahetult pärast söömist
  • Keskendumisraskused
  • Õrnad küüned ja hõrenevad juuksed
  • Sage haigus ja haavade halb paranemine

Söömishäired ei diskrimineeri soo alusel, seetõttu on oluline veenduda, et õpilased ei tee ebatüüpilisi süžeeskeeme. Õpilased võivad oma hoiatussildid valida ülalolevast loendist või õpetaja saab eelvalida, milliseid hoiatusmärke ta õpilasi kasutab. Oluline on oma õpilastele rõhutada, et häiritavate stseenide loomine võib olla päästik neile endale või teistele.

Malli ja Klassi Juhised Accordion Arrow

Mall ja Klassi Juhised

(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)

Õpilaste juhised

Kujutage ette erinevaid hoiatusmärke söömishäire all kannatava inimese kohta.

  1. Klõpsake nuppu "Alusta määramist".
  2. Tuvastage vasakus veerus ja esitage oma määratlus hoiatussiltide kohta kahes või enamas lauses.
  3. Looge parempoolses veerus nende märkide visuaale koolile sobiva sisuga.
  4. Salvestage ja saatke tööülesanne.

Tunniplaan Viide

Rubriik Accordion Arrow


(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Tegevuste Ülevaade

Segatud söömine on asi, mida tavaliselt hoitakse saladuses. Mõned neist hoiatavatest märkidest võivad olla abihüüuks ja neid ei tohiks eirata. Selle tegevuse käigus loovad õpilased visuaale kõige olulisematest hoiatavatest märkidest , mis aitavad neid reaalses elus tuvastada. Siin on mõned väikesed hoiatussildid, mida võite kaalulanguse korral kätte saada, kui keegi kannatab. Mõned neist võivad olla:

  • Tähelepanu kaal, kalorid ja rasvasisaldus
  • Nälja eitamine
  • Söömisel isoleerimine
  • Dramaatiline kaalulangus
  • Kottjas riietus, et varjata kaalulangust
  • Kommentaarid kaalu kohta
  • Liigne treening
  • Toidurituaalid
  • Vältige täielikult söömist
  • Vannitoa kasutamine vahetult pärast söömist
  • Keskendumisraskused
  • Õrnad küüned ja hõrenevad juuksed
  • Sage haigus ja haavade halb paranemine

Söömishäired ei diskrimineeri soo alusel, seetõttu on oluline veenduda, et õpilased ei tee ebatüüpilisi süžeeskeeme. Õpilased võivad oma hoiatussildid valida ülalolevast loendist või õpetaja saab eelvalida, milliseid hoiatusmärke ta õpilasi kasutab. Oluline on oma õpilastele rõhutada, et häiritavate stseenide loomine võib olla päästik neile endale või teistele.

Mall ja Klassi Juhised

(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)

Õpilaste juhised

Kujutage ette erinevaid hoiatusmärke söömishäire all kannatava inimese kohta.

  1. Klõpsake nuppu "Alusta määramist".
  2. Tuvastage vasakus veerus ja esitage oma määratlus hoiatussiltide kohta kahes või enamas lauses.
  3. Looge parempoolses veerus nende märkide visuaale koolile sobiva sisuga.
  4. Salvestage ja saatke tööülesanne.

Tunniplaan Viide


(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)

Eating Disorders and Coping
Students will create a complex storyboard that shows healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has it's own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. Each cell has its own description box. There are column titles indicating which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Nine cells were used in a chart layout with three columns of three cells. There is no description box for the cells. The column titles do not clearly indicate which cells are examples of uncontrollable stressors, unhealthy coping (ED), and healthy coping. The titles on the rows do not clearly indicate the theme of the cell.
Uncontrollable Stressor
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is clearly depicted and written in the description below.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of scenarios teens may face. The lack of self control on the cause of the stressor is unclear and not followed with a clear description.
Unhealthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description clearly explains that this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Less than three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey how someone may use an eating disorder to cope with stress. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a negative and unhealthy way to cope.
Healthy Coping
All three cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
All three cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description clearly explains that this method is a positive coping skill.
Less than three used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey examples of three different healthy coping skills. The description is unclear and does not explain how this method is a positive and healthy way to cope.
Use of Convections
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates messages of health and unhealthy coping skills.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Õpetajad ja õpilased armastavad meid

Koolide ja Piirkondade Hinnakujundus

Kooli Tutvustuspakkumine
  • 1 Kool
  • 5 õpetajat üheks aastaks
  • 1 tund virtuaalset PD-d

30-päevane raha tagasi garantii • Ainult uutele klientidele • Täishind pärast tutvustuspakkumist • Juurdepääs on 1 kalendriaasta

*(Algab 2-nädalane tasuta prooviversioon - krediitkaarti pole vaja)
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Kõik õigused kaitstud.
StoryboardThat on ettevõtte Clever Prototypes , LLC kaubamärk ja registreeritud USA patendi- ja kaubamärgiametis