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Cynthia Lordi Reeglid Tegevused

Cynthia Lordi reeglid

Autor: Lauren Ayube

Catherine'i kaheksa-aastasel vennal Davidil on autism; talle meeldivad reeglid ja Catherine aitab teda, luues reegleid ja tuletades Davidile meelde, millal neid järgida. Ühel päeval kohtub Catherine Davidi OT kliiniku ootesaalis poisiga, kelle nimi on Jason. Ta ei tea, et kohtumine Jasoniga mõjutab tema elu rohkem, kui ta oleks osanud oodata.



Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Õpilased saavad illustreerida Cynthia Lordi reeglite teemade näiteid

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Friendship
  • Okay, let's go, Jason!
  • Communication
  • What are you laughing at, Frog?
  • Catherine dreams of the perfect friendship with her cool new neighbor. However, the friendship doesn’t blossom, as the girls are more different than Catherine had hoped. On the other hand, Catherine forms a strong friendship with Jason, who is the last person she ever thought she’d be friends with. Friendship often comes in the most surprising places.
  • Catherine communicates with others in different ways. With David, she communicates with him through a set of rules and through dialogue from the Frog and Toad books. She communicates with Jason using word cards. She struggles to communicate with Kristi, fearing that Kristi won’t be her friend if she knows all about her.
  • I'm laughing at you, Toad.
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