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Risk Assessment Storyboard for Experimental Design in Science

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Risk Assessment Storyboard for Experimental Design in Science
Storyboard That

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Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Katsed Tunniplaanid

Eksperimentaalse Disaini Kunsti Uurimine: Samm-sammuline Juhend Õpilastele ja Õpetajatele

Autor: Oliver Smith

Eksperimentaalse disaini õpetamine ja õpilastel oma küsimuste ja hüpoteeside väljatöötamine võtab aega. Need materjalid on loodud protsessi ülesehitamiseks ja struktureerimiseks, et õpetajad saaksid keskenduda eksperimentaalse disaini võtmeideede täiustamisele.

Keemiliste Reaktsioonide Tunniplaanid

Labori Ohutus: Reeglid, Tegevused ja Plakatid

Autor: Oliver Smith

Labori ohutustavade põhjalik mõistmine on meie õpilaste jaoks oluline laboris praktilise töö tegemiseks. Õpilastele meeldib teha praktilisi töid ja nad saavad praktilistest tegevustest palju õppida. Lisateavet laboriohutuse kohta leiate Storyboard That!


Vaadake mõnda muud meie harivat artiklit!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Experimental Design Risk Assessment for science experiments

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Running
  • Activity
  • Risk
  • Risk Management
  • Seeing how fast you can run 100 m
  • • Students could fall and hurt themselves • Asthma attack if students have asthma • Strained muscles
  • • Clear the running track of objects that people could fall over • If the participant has asthma check that they have their inhaler • Warm up and cool down effectively
  • Heating
  • Heating with a Bunsen burner
  • • Students could burn themselves • Students could set their hair alight • Students could damaged their eyes
  • • Leave the equipment to cool before touching it • Switch their Bunsen burner off when they finish heating • Wear safety googles when heating and tie hair back
  • Dissection
  • Dissecting a sheep's heart with scissors and scalpel
  • • Students could cut themselves while using scalpel or scissors • Students could get food poisoning from contaminated hearts
  • • Don't walk around with scalpel or scissors • Wear gloves during dissection and wash hands after dissection • Disinfect desks and materials after the dissection
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