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Cinder Plot -kaavio

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Cinder Plot -kaavio
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Tummatukkainen aasialainen tyttö seisoo mekaniikkaliikkeessä kädet lantiolla. Hän silmää silmää. Hänen vieressään on pieni vartalorobotti.

Tuhka Marissa Meyer

Kirjailija: Lauren Ayube

Cinder on kuusitoistavuotias kyborgi, joka asuu New Beijingissä, futuristisessa kaupungissa itäisessä kansainyhteisössä, sisarpuolensa ja kamalan äitipuolensa kanssa. Erittäin taitava mekaanikko Cinderillä on osasto torilla, ja hänen luonaan vierailee prinssi Kai, joka pyytää häntä korjaamaan androidinsa. Tappavan letumosis-taudin puhkeaminen leviää nopeasti torilla ja kaikki alkaa purkautua. Cinderin maailma on muuttumassa, kun hän yrittää pelastaa sisarpuolensa hengen ja lopulta koko planeetan.



Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Opiskelijat voivat luoda Marissa Meyerin visuaalisen juoni-kaavion Cinderille korostaen tarinan keskeisiä hetkiä.

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Cinder by Marissa Meyer
  • I'm certainly going to try.
  • I hear you're the best. Do you think you can figure out what's wrong?
  • Peony has died. I must help.
  • You are immune to the virus, and that means you can help me find a cure.
  • A sixteen year old cyborg. A charming prince. A deadly virus. An evil queen. This is not your average fairy tale.
  • Cinder is a 16 year old cyborg mechanic who lives with her horrible stepmother and stepsisters in the futuristic New Beijing. The country is plagued with a deadly disease called letumosis, for which there is no cure. Cinder meets Prince Kai, who is heir to the throne, and her whole life begins to change.
  • Take her away.
  • Kai’s father, the emperor and, Cinder’s stepsister Peony die of the disease. Cinder learns that she is a Lunar, and is therefore immune to the disease. She also learns of Queen Levana’s plan to take over the commonwealth, and eventually the whole planet by forcing Kai to marry her and then kill him, making her the empress.
  • You must escape and meet me in Africa. You are the real Princess Selene.
  • How will I ever escape??
  • At Kai’s coronation ball, Kai discovers that Cinder is a cyborg and a Lunar. During an altercation, Queen Levana tries to brainwash Cinder into shooting herself, but she shoots at the ceiling instead and feels intense pain.
  • While trying to run away, Cinder’s foot becomes detached and she falls to the ground. Emperor Kai has her taken into custody until Queen Levana can have her taken away to Luna.
  • While in prison, Dr. Erland uses his powers to see Cinder. He brings her a new hand and foot, and encourages her to escape and meet him in Africa. He tells Cinder that she is, indeed, Princess Selene.
  • Kuva Tekijän:152140 (https://pixabay.com/vectors/toolbox-tool-box-box-metallic-red-152140/) - OpenClipart-Vectors - Lisenssi: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed

Kuva Tekijän

  • 152140 - OpenClipart-Vectors - (Lisenssi Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed )
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