Maailmanmaantieteen opettaminen voi osoittautua haastavaksi ja abstraktiksi. Yksi parhaista tavoista, joilla opettajat voivat torjua sitä, on herättää eri puolilla maailmaa tapahtuva tutkimus eloon dynaamisilla ja muokattavissa olevilla projekteilla, joissa yhdistyvät digitaalinen tarinankerronta, maantiede ja oppilaiden mielikuvitus.
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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti
Image Attributions:Eiffel Tower from the Bottom ( - mikeyyuen - License: Attribution, Non Commercial (
Arc de Triomphe
The Louvre Museum
The Eiffel Tower was constructed from 1887 - 1889 by Gustave Eiffel. It's 324 meters (1,063 feet) tall and is located in Paris, France. It is perhaps one of the most well known French landmarks, drawing over 6 million visitors each year.
While croissants and French bread are perhaps the most well known French foods, they are also known for macarons, chocolate mousse, brie, eclair, croque-monsieur, and omelettes.
Breakfast in France usually consists of breads with jams, honey, or butter (or a mix) and a hot drink. Sometimes the bread is toasted.