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Relationship Skills Story | Social-Emotional Learning Examples

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Relationship Skills Story | Social-Emotional Learning Examples
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Löydät kuvakäsikirjoituksen seuraavissa artikkeleissa ja resurssit:
Sosiaalinen Emotionaalinen Oppiminen

Mikä on SEL? Selkeä Sosiaalis-emotionaalisen Oppimisen Määritelmä ja Selitys

Kirjailija: Lauren Ayube

Social and Emotional Learning eli SEL on sellaisten taitojen opettamista ja kehittämistä, joita tarvitaan suurten tunteiden hallitsemiseen, ihmissuhteiden muodostamiseen, itsetuntemuksen hankkimiseen, ongelmien ratkaisemiseen, vastuullisten valintojen tekemiseen ja tavoitteiden asettamiseen. SEL keskittyy myös avoimeen viestintään, sosiaaliseen tietoisuuteen ja empatiaan.


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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Sample storyboard for relationship skills | SEL Activities components of sel

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • On no! This is awful!
  • What should I do, mom?
  • Oh honey, you have to talk to her. She's your best friend.
  • Thank goodness! I was so upset!
  • I would never, ever do that! I am so sorry you thought it was me!
  • One time I heard that one of my best friends started a rumor about me. I was so upset and didn't know what to do.
  • I talked to my mom about it. She suggested that I confront my friend, but I was so afraid to do that. My mom reminded me that communication is so important in any relationship, and that it was to only way to get to the bottom of things.
  • I confronted my friend about the rumor. She was upset and denied it completely. She was crying and had no idea who started it. I am so glad I talked to my friend about my feelings instead of being upset about it. It turned out that someone else started the rumor!
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