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Scientific Method with DNA

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Scientific Method with DNA
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Kirjailija: Oliver Smith

Tieteellinen menetelmä on jatkuva prosessi: yksi löytö voi johtaa useisiin kysymyksiin, joita tutkittuna voi saada enemmän vastauksia. Tieteellisen menetelmän avainvaiheiden yhteenvedon lisäksi on ehdotettu aktiviteetteja, joiden avulla oppilaat saavat ajattelemaan tiedettä todellisessa maailmassa.


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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

scientific method comic: See the steps of the scientific method for the discovery of DNA's helical shape

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Part of the Scientific Method
  • ?
  • Example
  • DNA has four bases.
  • Question
  • Avery, MacLeod and McCarty discovered that DNA was likely to carry the genetic information. They did not, however, know the shape of the DNA molecule.
  • Hypothesis
  • Crick and Watson hypothesized that DNA had a helical (spiral) shape.
  • I think __________ will happen.
  • Prediction
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • If the form of DNA were helical, then its X-ray diffraction pattern would be X-shaped.
  • I carried out an experiment using X-rays to look at the structure of DNA. Using this image I made, we can work out what the structure is.
  • Experiment
  • Rosalind Franklin was carrying out research at Kings College, London. She looked at the structure of DNA using X-ray diffraction.
  • Analysis
  • The images were shared with Watson and Crick who analyzed the images and discovered that the pattern matched their hypothesis and prediction.
  • Image Attributions:X-ray ensemble (https://www.flickr.com/photos/99249556@N03/9344158296/) - genomebiology - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)

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