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Underground to Canada Sažetak i Aktivnosti

Underground to Canada , Barbara Smucker

Planovi Lekcije Lauren Ayube

Underground to Canada govori o dvanaestogodišnjoj Julilly i njenom hrabrom bijegu u slobodu. Povijesna fikcija napisana posebno za mlade čitatelje, ova se priča odvija prije građanskog rata i ne prikazuje samo iskušenja i nevolje koje su porobljeni ljudi proživjeli, već i herojske napore onih koji su im pomogli na putu do slobode.


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Opis Storyboarda

Neka učenici naprave sažetak od početka, sredine i kraja Underground to Canada Barbare Smucker

Storyboard Tekst

  • END
  • Julilly is enslaved on the Hensen Plantation in Virginia with her mother; they have lived there since Julilly was born and are treated better than most other slaves, as far as they know. When a nasty slave trader arrives, Julilly is separated from her mother and sold to the Rileys in Mississippi.
  • After a miserable journey, Julilly and the others, including new friend Liza, arrive at the Riley Plantation. The place is terrible, but Julilly has new hope when Mister Ross, who is disguised as a bird scientist, plans to help some slaves escape. Julilly, Liza, Adam, and Lester begin their journey on the Underground Railroad.
  • After a long journey, being separated from Lester and Adam, several close calls, and many scary moments, Julilly and Liza arrive in Canada. Julilly is reunited with Lester and her momma, who agrees to take care of Liza.
Izrađeno više od 30 milijuna scenarija