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Povratak na Omiljeni Citat Pošiljatelja

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Povratak na Omiljeni Citat Pošiljatelja
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Povratak Pošiljatelju Julije Alvarez

Povratak pošiljatelju Julije Alvarez

Autor: Liane Hicks

Paquetteovi vode farmu mliječnih krava u Vermontu, ali prijeti im gubitak farme nakon očeve nesreće. Obitelj Cruz je iz Meksika i emigrirala je u Sjedinjene Države u potrazi za boljim životom. Priča je ispričana kroz oči dvoje 11-godišnjaka, Tylera Paquettea i Mari Cruz. Ova važna knjiga pomaže studentima da izgrade dublje razumijevanje imigracije i radnika migranata te kako prijateljstvo može razbiti stereotipe i izgraditi mostove prema boljem svijetu.


Vratiti Pošiljatelju

Opis Storyboarda

Neka studenti uspostave tekst koji će se samostalno povezati s Povratak pošiljatelju tako što će odabrati svoj omiljeni citat ili scenu i ilustrirati što im to znači.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Mari and Tyler's social studies teacher Mr. Bicknell speaks up during the town meeting when a motion is raised by Mr. Rossetti regarding immigration. Mr. Rosetti says, "We got laws in this nation and anyone hiring illegals ought to be put behind bars. Anyone who's not here legally needs to be rounded up." Mr. Bicknell reminds Mr. Rossetti that his ancestors were also immigrants, coming from Italy in search of a better life. Later in the book, Mr. Rossetti learns the true weight of his words when the Cruz family is forcibly taken from the farm and put in jail. With the three daughters crying and missing their parents, he acknowledges, "That's no way to treat decent folks!"
  • "This country [was] built by people who gave up everything in search of a better life, not just for themselves but for their children. Their blood, sweat, and tears formed this great nation . . . We're all born human beings. But we have to earn that e at the end of human with our actions so we can truly call ourselves humane beings."
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