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SoLoMoFoo in PSB Template
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Hogyan Hozzunk Létre egy Lift Pitch
Aaron Sherman
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Storyboard Leírás
SoLoMoFoo example in Product Solution Benefit Template
Storyboard Szöveg
Context / Problem
I hate just missing free food at work!
The First But
WHAT?!? No twinkies?
Product Intro
Hangry Henry - why don't you install SoLoMoFoo and get food alerts?
Hangry Henry goes to the breakroom before a meeting. He finds the remnants of some cupcakes...
Magic Solution
I hope people find my cupcakes!
The vending machine is also out of Hangry Henry's favorite junk food.
And Then
Hangry Henry is a bit rude during his next meeting. His friends suggest he tries SoLoMoFoo.
User Benefit
Baking Bridget drops off some fresh cupcakes she made over the weekend.
Baking Bridget tells SoLoMoFoo about her cupcakes and Hangry Henry immediately gets alerted!
Cupcakes in the Breakroom!
Share Food
Cupcakes in the Breakroom!
After his cupcake - Happy Henry is awesome in the meeting.
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