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A Költő X Témák

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A Költő X Témák
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A Költő X – Elizabeth Acevedo – Összefoglaló és Tevékenységek

A költő X – Elizabeth Acevedo

Óratervek: Liane Hicks

A költő X egy valósághű fikciós regény, amely versben íródott. A 15 éves Xiomara Batistáról, egy tehetséges költőről szól, aki családjával a New York állambeli Harlemben él. A regény Xiomara szemszögéből készült, és úgy olvasható, mint a személyes költészeti naplója, amelyben leírja életét, vallási nézeteit, állandó szexizmussal való szembesülését, szigorú dominikai szüleit, új eltiltott barátját és a világban való navigálást fiatal nőként. szín próbálja megtalálni a hangját.


A Költő X

Storyboard Leírás

A tanulók bemutathatják Elizabeth Acevedo X költőjének témáit, és elmagyarázhatják azok fontosságát a történetben

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Science AwardXavier Batista
  • "When I'm done. . . I can't remember the last time people were silent while I spoke, actually listening. . . . My little words feel important, for just a moment."
  • Poetry Club with Ms. Galiano
  • The rigid gender roles of her parents' generation and Xiomara's struggle against their inherent sexism is another theme. Xiomara's Mami believes Xiomara should take care of the home like she does. Mami doesn't treat Twin (Xaviar) as harshly and he has more freedom to pursue his passions. Xiomara is charged with cleaning the house and has many other repressive rules simply because she is a girl.
  • A major theme is Xiomara's journey to self empowerment and finding the courage to express her voice. Xiomara’s poetry notebook has always remained private until she meets Aman and later joins the poetry club. These are the first times she shares her poetry and her true thoughts and feelings with others. In reading her poetry aloud she gains the confidence to take risks and to be her true self.
  • Another major theme is Xiomara's coming of age and experiencing her first love. Xiomara is forbidden to date and her mother has very repressive and abusive views about sexuality. Despite this, Xiomara becomes very close with Aman. She reads him her poetry and finally feels free to relax and express herself. Their relationship allows her to feel vulnerable and let down her guard, which has been difficult amidst constant sexual harassment and fighting off bullies for her brother.
  • THE POET X Themes
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