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Facts: An Intro

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Facts: An Intro
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Fatti Contro Opinioni

Insegnare i Fatti Contro L'opinione

Di Jessica Miller

Storyboard That è ottimo per insegnare agli studenti ESL più anziani o più avanzati argomenti più complicati. Recentemente, ho creato alcuni storyboard per aiutarmi a educare gli studenti sulle differenze tra fatti e opinioni e su come esprimerli in inglese.


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Storyboard Descrizione

Introducing Factual Statements: Examples of facts that can be used as a template for your class.

Testo Storyboard

  • Definition
  • We often use the verbs "to be" or "to have" to state a fact. But, we can use other verbs too.
  • We do not use perception verbs like "believe," "think," or "seem."
  • A fact is something that is known to exist or have happened.
  • Example
  • The sky is blue.
  • Example
  • Tell me a fact you know.
  • Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly.
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