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Reality Vs Cyberbullying Anti Bullying Ideas

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Reality Vs Cyberbullying Anti Bullying Ideas
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È possibile trovare questo storyboard nei seguenti articoli e risorse:
Attività Antibullismo e Piano di Lezione

Comprendere il Bullismo: Strategie per Affrontare e Prevenire il Bullismo Nelle Scuole

Piani di Lezione di Patrick Healey

L'impatto del bullismo sulla vittima è immenso e di solito porta a un aumento dell'ansia, della depressione e della perdita di interesse. Questi effetti di solito continuano nell'adolescenza e nell'età adulta. È fondamentale parlarne con i tuoi studenti e queste attività e scenari ti aiuteranno.


Attività Antibamigliatrici

Storyboard Descrizione

Anti bullying games and activities - Reality vs Cyberbullying

Testo Storyboard

  • 854-555-2233
  • Honestly, everyone hates you.
  • Honestly, everyone hates you.
  • Explain one reason why it is easier to say certain things on the internet as opposed to in person.
  • Cyberbullying takes place behind the screen, removing the sight of the victim. If the aggressor does not see the impact of the words, they become less destructive to the bully's perspective.
  • School Work Friends 867
  • Jeff is the weirdest-looking kid I've ever seen. #lookinamirror
  • What's a good
  • John Doe
  • Jeff, you are the weirdest-looking kid I've ever seen. Have you ever looked in a mirror?
  • Explain one reason why it is easier to say certain things on the internet as opposed to in person.
  • Many people who bully others are a product of their own environment. They may be struggling with an internal conflict, and putting someone down could be satisfying an internal void. Cyberbullying is quick and readily available with a potentially wide audience, making it a preferred method to some.
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