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Activity Overview

With the rich history that goes along with the Pilgrims’ voyage to the New World, there are many important people, places, and terms for students to comprehend. In this activity, students will create a visual vocabulary board that illustrates and defines 4-6 terms related to the Pilgrims and Plymouth colony. Students may select from the list below, or use additional terms provided by the teacher.

Pilgrims/Plymouth Colony Suggested Key Terms and People

  • Mayflower
  • Pilgrim
  • Mayflower Compact
  • Squanto
  • John Carver
  • Wampanoags
  • Plymouth Colony
  • Massasoit
  • Plymouth Rock
  • First Thanksgiving

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a 4-6 cell spider map that illustrates and describes important people, places, or things relating to the Pilgrims and Plymouth.

Student Instructions

  1. Click “Start Assignment”.
  2. Write an important term from the provided list in the heading. If you come up with another term that isn’t on the list, check with your teacher before using it.
  3. Create an illustration that represents each heading using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  4. Write a short summary of each heading/important term in the space below the illustration.

Requirements: Students must choose from the provided list unless the teacher approves a different term.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

Visual Vocabulary Assignment
Define, illustrate, and give an example sentence for any five vocabulary words.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The definition is correct.
The definition is partially correct.
The definition is incorrect.
The storyboard cells clearly illustrate the meaning of the vocabulary words.
The storyboard cells relate to the meaning of the vocabulary words, but are difficult to understand.
The storyboard cells do not clearly relate to the meaning of the vocabulary words.

How to Teach Vocabulary Lessons Using Storyboards


Vocabulary Selection

Select the target vocabulary words relevant to the lesson. Ensure that these words are integral to understanding the topic being studied. In the context of teaching about the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony, the key terms may include "Mayflower," "Compact," "Thanksgiving," "Wampanoag," "Patuxet," and "Pilgrims."


Introduction and Explanation

Begin the lesson by introducing the vocabulary words to your students. Explain the significance of each term in the context of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony. Offer concise and easy-to-understand definitions, and use examples or visual aids to aid comprehension.


Storyboard Creation

Provide students with the necessary materials, which may include paper, markers, or access to a digital storyboard creator like Storyboard That. Instruct them to create a visual storyboard for each vocabulary word. For each term: Ask students to draw a scene or illustration that represents the term. Encourage them to incorporate the vocabulary word itself into the storyboard. For instance, they can place the word within the drawing or as part of a speech bubble in a character's dialogue. Have students write a brief sentence or caption that uses the vocabulary word correctly.


Presentation and Discussion

Allow students to present their storyboards to the class. During each presentation: Ask the presenting student to describe their illustration and explain how it relates to the vocabulary word. Encourage classmates to provide feedback or ask questions. Engage in class discussions to reinforce understanding of the vocabulary and its relevance to the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony. This method of teaching vocabulary through storyboards is an engaging and effective way to help students grasp and remember key terms while promoting creativity and visual learning. It can be adapted for various subjects and grade levels.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony; Key Terms

What is the Mayflower, and how did its voyage relate to the establishment of Plymouth Colony?

The Mayflower was a ship that carried a group of English Separatists, known as the Pilgrims, to North America in 1620. Their voyage on the Mayflower marked the beginning of the establishment of Plymouth Colony. Seeking religious freedom, the Pilgrims set sail from England to the New World, landing in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Mayflower's arrival and the subsequent settlement of the Pilgrims laid the foundation for the Plymouth Colony, one of the earliest English colonies in North America.

What was the Mayflower Compact, and why is it considered a foundational document in American history?

The Mayflower Compact was a legal and social agreement signed by male passengers aboard the Mayflower before disembarking in Plymouth in 1620. It is considered a foundational document in American history because it represents one of the earliest examples of self-governance and the idea of a government established by the consent of the governed in the New World. The Compact set the framework for a civil body politic and a form of representative government among the Pilgrims. Its principles influenced the development of democratic institutions in America.

What was the role of Plymouth Rock in the Pilgrims' story, and why is it considered a historical landmark?

Plymouth Rock is a large boulder located on the shore of Plymouth Harbor. It is traditionally associated with the Pilgrims' arrival in 1620 when they disembarked from the Mayflower. While there is no historical evidence that the Pilgrims actually stepped onto Plymouth Rock, it has become a symbol of their arrival in America. It is considered a historical landmark because it commemorates the story of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony, serving as a focal point for the historical and cultural significance of their journey and early settlement.

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