Desmitgadīgā Deja sāk piekto klasi jaunā skolā. Mājās ir grūti: Popam vienmēr ir slikti un skumji, mamma vienmēr ir darbā, un Deja vienmēr rūpējas par savu mazo brāli un māsu, kamēr Pops guļ. Viņas jaunā skola atšķiras no jebkur citur, kur Deja ir bijusi, un jaunākās vēstures izglītība, ko Deja saņem, mainīs viņas un viņas draugu un ģimenes dzīvi uz visiem laikiem.
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Montāžas Teksta
Favorite Quote from Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes
To me, Miss Garcia's quote means that no matter what happens, if you have a strong foundation or base, anything is possible. Miss Garcia means this literally because the building that the kids made was strong from the gound up, but it also has other meanings: Deja, Sabeen, and Ben have a strong friendship. America has a strong foundation, and we will get through what happened to us together.
A strong foundation supports everything. Skyscrapers, engineer's dreams. It's amazing what people can build.