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NextWidget Negotiation Summary

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NextWidget Negotiation Summary
Storyboard That

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Kā Sagatavoties Sarunām

Autors: Nathanael Okhuysen

Tas ir mūsu go-sarunu ceļvedi ar storyboards. Plānojiet savu nākamo sarunas ar biznesa rīkiem, piemēram, SVID, Johari Window, Batna, un vairāk. Izmantojot storyboards jūsu preparātā ir noderīga, lai dalītos ar savām idejām ar kolēģiem un kolēģiem sarunu.


Apskatiet dažus citus mūsu biznesa rakstus!

Montāžas Apraksts

A summary page for NextWidget's upcoming negotiation with Fabricorp

Montāžas Teksta

  • Our Weaknesses
  • We value you as a customer, of course, but we don't need your business.
  • Our Goals
  • 3%
  • Our BATNA & Bottom Line
  • Our Strengths
  • Well, if you can't give us a better rate, we're just going to walk.
  • • They don't need to renew our contract • Susan is a better negotiator
  • Wants: Status quo with a 3% or less increase or agreement to the 2-yr deal at the same rates
  • • BATNA: Switch to LocalMade LLC • Bottom Line: Walk if price rate increases 9%
  • Bargaining Options
  • • We have viable alternatives • Strong existing relationship • Arguing for fair rates
  • Our Strategy
  • Negotiation Summary
  • Their Expected Strategy
  • • 2-yr requirements contract • Indexed to changes in industry average costs • Storage facilities = flexible fulfillment
  • • Stick with the game plan • Sell the 2-year deal • Emphasize the longstanding relationship • Stand firm and try to stay objective
  • • They will take a hard approach • They'll try to anchor negotiations with a high initial number
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