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Av Aaron Sherman

Du har gode ideer, men vet ikke hvor du skal dra. Ikke bekymre deg, Storyboard That har en utmerket ressurs for produktutvikling og etablere deg selv i et marked. Start på Del 1: Storyboard That er Illustrert Guide til produktutvikling.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Use Case template - Product storyboard Template

Storyboard Tekst

  • Problem Experienced
  • I am doing ______________ and really wish I could ______________
  • Solution Search
  • I try the obvious solution ______________ but ______________
  • Product Discovery
  • Oh I just found ______________ by ______________
  • Clearly show an example scenario where the customer is experiencing a pain point where they would want your product.
  • Product Experienced
  • All I do is hit this magic button...
  • For most problems there is an existing solution, explain why it doesn't quite work in your scenario.
  • Problem Alleviated
  • ______________ shows up at ______________
  • Show a plausible way your user could be introduced to your product/offering. Google? Word of Mouth?
  • Beneficial Outcome
  • Wow! This product saved me ______________ and let me ______________
  • Show a magical solution that largely ignores the bigger question of how the technology works behind the scene.
  • Magic Button
  • After the magic button is pressed, what happens from a customer perspective?
  • Why is the customer happy? What benefit to them was experienced?
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