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A Garota que Bebeu a lua Temas, Símbolos, Motivos

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A Garota que Bebeu a lua Temas, Símbolos, Motivos
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Você pode encontrar este storyboard nos seguintes artigos e recursos:
The Girl Who Drank the Moon de Kelly Barnhill

A Garota que Bebeu a Lua de Kelly Barnhill

Por Liane Hicks

The Girl Who Drank The Moon é um romance de fantasia sobre uma terra mágica e uma jovem chamada Luna que não tem conhecimento de seus poderes crescentes de beber o luar quando bebê. Estudantes de todas as idades irão desfrutar desta jornada lindamente contada, emocionante e mágica com temas de bondade e crueldade, esperança e desespero, e a importância do amor acima de tudo.


A Garota que Bebeu a lua

Storyboard Descrição

Os alunos podem rastrear os diferentes temas, símbolos e motivos presentes no romance e criar um mapa de aranha que os rotula, define e ilustra.

Texto do Storyboard

  • The Bog is a symbol of creation. It is the origin of all life and also where one goes when their life has ended. Glerk says, "In the beginning, there was the Bog. And the Bog covered the world and the Bog was the world and the world was the Bog."
  • The villagers of the Protectorate are so scared of the witch that they are willing to sacrifice one of their own every year in order to save the village. "Sacrifice one or sacrifice all. That is the way of the world. We couldn't change it if we tried." In this way, the Elders and Sister Ignatia control people by keeping them in a constant state of fear.
  • The Protectorate is continuously cloudy, grey, and dark. The citizens are full of sorrow and feel hopeless. They don't realize that their despair is beneficial to the Elders and Sister Ignatia, who do everything in their power to keep citizens bereft of hope and joy. When Antain and Ethyne marry and are about to have a child, their hopefulness starts to bring sunshine and light to the Protectorate.
  • THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOONThemes, Symbols, and Motifs
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