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Fact vs. Opinion

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Fact vs. Opinion
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Fapt vs Opinie

Preda Fapte vs Opinie

De Jessica Miller

Storyboard That este grozav pentru a preda studenților mai în vârstă sau mai avansați subiecte mai complicate. Recent, am creat câteva storyboard-uri care să mă ajute să educ studenții despre diferențele dintre fapte și opinii și cum să le enunț în engleză.


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Storyboard Descriere

Identify the difference between fact and opinion: Complete the T Chart!

Storyboard Text

  • *things we know to be true or to have happened *facts can change but we can't create facts
  • *things or ideas that people believe, feel, or think *we can all have different opinions about something
  • Trees and flowers need water and sunlight to grow.
  • I think flowers are prettier than trees and other plants.
  • Those buildings are tall.
  • I think the countryside is better than the city.
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