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Doppelgängers în Literatură Exemplu

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Doppelgängers în Literatură Exemplu
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Ce Este un Plan de Lecție Doppleganger


Planuri de Lecție de Kristy Littlehale

Ce este un doppelganger? În cel mai simplu mod de termen, un doppelgänger este gemenele unei persoane sau dublu. Uneori, un doppelgänger poate fi "gemenii răi"; poate fi de asemenea reprezentativ pentru o viață dublă. Doppelgängers sunt interesante pentru că explorează dualitatea naturii umane - cele două părți ale oamenilor care coexistă, dar uneori se ciocnesc unul cu celălalt.


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Doppelgangers în literatură Exemplu - povești doppelganger - definiție doppelganger

Storyboard Text

  • Name:
  • diferenţe:
  • asemănări:
  • "A large, well-made, smooth-facedman of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness"
  • Wants to indulge in vices without compromising his social standing in the community
  • Dr. Henry Jekyll
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • A little man who "stumps" along; evokes feelings of dread, fear, and a desire to kill him in others; gives a strong feeling of deformity; a murderer
  • Delights in those vices
  • Edward Hyde
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • A wild fool; in charge; manipulative; a leader; a con artist
  • Same name; same height; same clothes; same intellectual abilities
  • William Wilson
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Doesn't desire to lead, only to hold narrator back; tries to guide and advise the narrator; speaks in a low voice; sense of good and bad is sharper
  • Same name; same height; same clothes; same intellectual abilities
  • William Wilson
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Kind and honest; ashamed of his family's history; honorable
  • 25 years old; good-looking; sunburnt cheek; dark eyes; long dark hair
  • Charles Darnay
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Unkempt and a bit slovenly; reckless; a disreputable look; depressed; heavy drinker; thinks he is unworthy and unable to have happiness in his life
  • Young with dark hair and dark eyes; good-looking; bears a striking resemblance to Charles in court
  • Sydney Carton
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