Echo rozpráva štyri rôzne, očarujúce príbehy z rôznych čias a miest. Je to príbeh o obetovaní, rodine, priateľstve a zjednocujúcej sile hudby. Je rozdelená do štyroch rôznych častí: Ottov príbeh koncom 19. storočia v Nemecku; Friedrichov príbeh v roku 1933 v Nemecku; Mikeov príbeh v roku 1935 v Pensylvánii; a príbeh Ivy v roku 1942 v južnej Kalifornii.
Požiadajte študentov, aby vytvorili prepojenie medzi textom a textom tak, že ilustrujú svoju obľúbenú scénu z Echo a opíšu, čo pre nich znamená.
Text z Príbehu
FAVORITE QUOTE in ECHO by Pam Muñoz Ryan
The midwife gave each baby a special blessing before leaving them with the heartless witch. While she knew this was not the best start in life for them, she blessed Eins, Zwei, and Drei with the idea that despite their hardships and difficult beginnings, they would find a path to happiness. The idea a person can find their way through the darkest of times echoes throughout. Friedrich and his family survive Hitler's atrocities, Mike and his brother get through difficult times in the orphanage, and Ivy's family and the Yamamotos persevere despite the racism and segregation of the time.
“Your fate is not yet sealed. Even in the darkest night, a star will shine, a bell will chime, a path will be revealed.”
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