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Hlasové Témy Aminy

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Hlasové Témy Aminy
Storyboard That

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Tento príbeh môžete nájsť v nasledujúcich článkoch a zdrojoch:
Amina má na sebe fialové šaty. Má hnedé vlasy a pleť. Stojí na pódiu a spieva publiku.

Aminin hlas od Heny Khan

Autor: Liane Hicks

Amina's Voice je ocenený román od Heny Khan, ktorý rozpráva príbeh Aminy, pakistansko-amerického dievčaťa, ktoré začína strednú školu a vyrovnáva sa so všetkými problémami dospievania a zároveň zápasí s bigotnosťou vo svojej škole a komunite. Zapojte študentov do vopred pripravených aktivít Storyboard That!


Aminin Hlas

Storyboard Popis

Študenti môžu sledovať rôzne témy prítomné v románe a vytvárať mapu pavúkov, ktorá ich označuje, definuje a ilustruje.

Text z Príbehu

  • sebavedomé
  • Family is a central theme of the novel. Amina is very close with her parents and brother and comes to bond with her uncle Thaya Jaan throughout his visit. Her friends share their relationships with their families as well.
  • At the beginning of the story, Amina is very afraid of speaking up for herself and sharing her feelings. She is also terrified of singing in front of others or public speaking. Throughout the novel, Amina overcomes many challenges and gains in self-confidence.
  • Amina has always been best friends with Soojin, which has helped her face the bigotry and teasing of some of their classmates. In middle school her relationship with Soojin begins to change when Emily becomes part of their friend circle. The novel centers around the importance of friendship and the difficulty many middle schoolers face navigating social relationships.
  • Protimuslimská fanatizmu
  • There are many instances of anti-Muslim bigotry, or Islamophobia, throughout the novel. Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims. Amina is teased by her classmates for her culture. Her mosque is horribly vandalized in a hate crime.
  •  The greater community of Milwaukee comes together to show their support of the Muslim community demonstrating the importance of allyship and taking a stand against hate.
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