Pregled Aktivnosti
Razumevanje odvisnosti je lahko težaven pojem. Večina posameznikov vidi negativno vedenje uživanja drog in to osebo označi kot "slabo" ali "šibko". Številni uporabniki drog se ne morejo pravilno spoprijeti s stresom, osnovni vzrok za nekatere odvisnike od drog pa je lahko takojšnje olajšanje stresorjev. Cikel odvisnosti je težko prekiniti.
V tej dejavnosti bodo učenci ustvarili zgodbo o zgodbi, ki ponazarja cikel odvisnosti . Zagotoviti morajo opis vsakega koraka in določiti, kdaj je najboljši čas za prekinitev cikla. V zgornjem primeru zgodbe je najboljši čas označen kot faza "jamranje za uporabo", vendar to pri ljudeh ne gre vedno.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Pokažite svoje razumevanje, kako prekiniti cikel zasvojenosti z ustvarjanjem zgodbe.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- Uporabite pet-celični cikel z naslovi in opisi.
- V vsakem od naslovih polja navedite pet korakov cikla.
- V oknu z opisom celice na kratko na kratko razložite, kaj se običajno izvaja v vsakem koraku.
- V ustreznem opisnem polju navedite najboljšo priložnost za prekinitev cikla.
- V opisno polje napišite kratko razmislek o krivdi / sramu.
- Slikovni primer vsakega koraka v celicah ponazorite s kombinacijo ustreznih prizorov, znakov in elementov. Ne upodabljajte dejanske uporabe zdravila.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body. | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Titles, Descriptions, and Order | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions effectively describes the steps. The cells are in the correct order. | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions adequately describes the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. | The cell titles do not align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions fails to describe the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. |
Breaking the Cycle/Reflection | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the correct cell. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was an unclear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. |
Cells | The cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image inaccurately showcasing the theme. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Razumevanje odvisnosti je lahko težaven pojem. Večina posameznikov vidi negativno vedenje uživanja drog in to osebo označi kot "slabo" ali "šibko". Številni uporabniki drog se ne morejo pravilno spoprijeti s stresom, osnovni vzrok za nekatere odvisnike od drog pa je lahko takojšnje olajšanje stresorjev. Cikel odvisnosti je težko prekiniti.
V tej dejavnosti bodo učenci ustvarili zgodbo o zgodbi, ki ponazarja cikel odvisnosti . Zagotoviti morajo opis vsakega koraka in določiti, kdaj je najboljši čas za prekinitev cikla. V zgornjem primeru zgodbe je najboljši čas označen kot faza "jamranje za uporabo", vendar to pri ljudeh ne gre vedno.
Predloga in Class Navodila
(Ta navodila so popolnoma prilagodljiva. Ko kliknete »Kopiraj dejavnost«, posodobite navodila na zavihku Urejanje naloge.)
Navodila za študente
Pokažite svoje razumevanje, kako prekiniti cikel zasvojenosti z ustvarjanjem zgodbe.
- Kliknite "Začni dodelitev".
- Uporabite pet-celični cikel z naslovi in opisi.
- V vsakem od naslovih polja navedite pet korakov cikla.
- V oknu z opisom celice na kratko na kratko razložite, kaj se običajno izvaja v vsakem koraku.
- V ustreznem opisnem polju navedite najboljšo priložnost za prekinitev cikla.
- V opisno polje napišite kratko razmislek o krivdi / sramu.
- Slikovni primer vsakega koraka v celicah ponazorite s kombinacijo ustreznih prizorov, znakov in elementov. Ne upodabljajte dejanske uporabe zdravila.
- Nalogo shranite in pošljite.
Lekcija Načrt Reference
(Svojega lahko ustvarite tudi v Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Structure | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes. The text clearly indicates understanding different drug categories and the effects on the body. | A five cell cycle storyboard was created with titles and descriptions. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear. | There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content. |
Titles, Descriptions, and Order | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions effectively describes the steps. The cells are in the correct order. | The cell titles align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions adequately describes the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. | The cell titles do not align with the theme of the cell. The descriptions fails to describe the steps. The cells are in the an incorrect order. |
Breaking the Cycle/Reflection | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the correct cell. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was a clear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. A brief reflection was listed in the guilt/shame cell. | There was an unclear description of how someone could break the addiction cycle. The break is listed in the cell that has the least opportunity for success. |
Cells | The cells used exemplary school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used adequate school appropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image accurately showcasing the theme. | The cells used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to depict an image inaccurately showcasing the theme. |
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