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Пътешествието на Герой на Тристан Стронг

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Пътешествието на Герой на Тристан Стронг
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Можете да намерите този сценарий в следните статии и ресурси:
Херкулес Като Епичен Герой

Епичен Герой: Определение и Дейности

Урочни Планове от Ребека Рей

Главните герои се предлагат в много разновидности. Архетипен протагонист е „Епичният герой“, герой с впечатляващи качества, който извършва вдъхновяващи дела. Този урок помага на учениците да идентифицират и разберат епичния герой в литературата.

Тристан Стронг Пробива Дупка в Небето Дейности

Тристан Стронг пробива дупка в небето от Куаме Мбалия

От Лорън Аюбе

Тристан Стронг е седмокласник, който изгуби най-добрия си приятел Еди в трагична катастрофа с автобус, в която бяха заедно. Погълнат от вина и скръб, Тристан държи здраво единствената част от Еди, която му е останала: неговия дневник. Техният дневник. Когато Тристан пристига в Алабама, за да прекара един месец при баба си и дядо си, едно същество се появява посред нощ и открадва дневника на Еди. Тристан няма представа какви приключения го очакват, докато тръгва да търси дневника и себе си.


Тристан Стронг Пробива Дупка в Небето

Описание на Статията

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Текст на Статията

  • After the accidental death of his best friend Eddie, Tristan goes to live with his grandparents on their farm in Alabama for a month.
  • Gum Baby sneaks in Tristan’s bedroom window and steals the journal that Eddie and Tristan used to write stories in.
  • At first, Tristan is reluctant to follow Gum Baby, and wonders if this is all a dream.
  • Gum Baby is with Tristan throughout his entire journey. John Henry motivates Tristan and is a positive mentor throughout the story. Others such as Chestnutt, Ayanna, and High John are also part of Tristan’s journey.
  • After chasing Gum Baby, Tristan ends up in the Bottle Tree Forest; he finds Gum Baby and the backpack with the journal near a tree. Tristan is angry and punches one of the bottles on the tree. A fiery hole appears at the bottom of the tree, and Tristan and Gum Baby are transported down the hole into the Burning Sea.
  • Tristan is faced with many tests during his adventure. He must survive the Burning Sea, fight the Fetterlings, retrieve the Story Box, find Eddie’s journal, defeat the Maafa and Uncle C, outsmart Anansi, and of course, fix the hole in the sky.
  • Tristan goes to Nyame’s Palace to ask the sky god to fix the Story Box. When they are on the roof, Nyame tells Tristan a story about the history of Alke. Just then, they see a massive ship enter the marina; the ship is filled with iron monsters and Tristan knows it’s Maafa and that he must fight.
  • Two boxing gloves appear and Tristan uses them to fight off the enemies. Tristan then finds Uncle C, whose full name is Uncle Cotton. With Gum Baby’s help, Tristan defeats him, and he and Gum Baby search for a way out and a way to find the journal.
  • Tristan and Gum Baby end up in a bus, where Eddie tells Tristan what’s been going on: Uncle C is using the journal to track Tristan, and Tristan must now help Maafa’s prisoners off of the ship. Anansi has been disguised as Brer Rabbit the whole time, and as a punishment, he must go inside the Story Box and help Tristan write his stories. The journal and the Story Box are safe.
  • After Tristan says goodbye, he heads to where High John is building a bridge to connect MidPass with the mainland of Alke. There, he connects John Henry and High John by telling them about Anansi’s punishment.
  • Tristan returns home with the Story Box, which is in the form of a smartphone, and Anansi, who is inside of the Story Box. Anansi fixes the hole in the sky with his web.
  • Back to his grandparent’s farm, Tristan begins to tell his story. He feels as though his work is not yet done, and knows that he will return to Alke one day.
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