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Fonologisk Bevidsthed: Fonemisk

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Fonologisk Bevidsthed: Fonemisk
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Fonologiske Bevidsthedsaktiviteter

Fonologisk Bevidsthed

By Lauren Ayube

Fonologisk bevidsthed er et paraplybegreb, der omfatter mange færdigheder og begreber, der har at gøre med de enkelte lyde eller fonemer i talte ord. Det er evnen til at genkende og manipulere disse lyde og er grundlaget for at lære at læse.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Fenomeisolering er en del af fonologisk bevidsthed

Storyboard Tekst

  • Isolate
  • What is the first sound in the word "cat"?
  • The first sound is /k/.
  • Blend
  • Okay, what words do the sounds/d/ /o/ /g/ make?
  • DOG!
  • Segment
  • Now try to break apart the word sun into segments.
  • Sun is /s/ /u/ /n/
  • Manipulate
  • DOG
  • Change the D to F and you get FOG.
  • Change the O to I and you get DIG.
  • Change the G to T and you get DOT.
  • Phoneme isolation is the ability to separate a single sound from the other sounds in a word.
  • Phoneme blending is when students are given the individual sounds and are able to blend them all together to say the word.
  • Phoneme segmentation is the opposite of blending. It is when students are given a word and are able to stretch the word out into its individual phonemes. 
  • Great job!
  • Phoneme manipulation consists of three things: the ability to add sounds, take away sounds, or substitute sounds.
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