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Jenseits des Hellen Meeres Zusammenfassung

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Jenseits des Hellen Meeres Zusammenfassung
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Jenseits des Hellen Meeres von Lauren Wolk Activities

Jenseits der hellen See von Lauren Wolk

Von Lauren Ayube

Als die 12-jährige Crow noch ein Baby war, wurde sie auf ein Boot gesetzt und ins Meer hinausgefahren. Sie wurde an der Küste einer der winzigen Elizabeth-Inseln in Massachusetts angespült. Crow wird von einem einsamen Mann aufgenommen, den sie Osh nennt, und passt sich dem Inselleben an, wundert sich aber immer über ihre Vergangenheit und ihre Familie. Binden Sie die Schüler mit Storyboard That vorgefertigten Aktivitäten ein!


Jenseits des Hellen Meeres

Storyboard Beschreibung

Erstellen Sie mit dieser Aktivität eine visuelle Handlungszusammenfassung für Beyond the Bright Sea von Lauren Wolk!


  • Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
  • Beyond the Bright Sea is a beautifully written story about family, bravery, identity, and finding your way home.
  • Yes, she was.
  • Susanna was my mother.
  • Set in the early 1900s on one of the Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts, this story is about a 12 year old girl named Crow. Set out to sea on a small boat as a baby, Crow was taken in by a solitary man named Osh. She is determined to learn about her past, her family, and herself.
  • Osh gives Crow the ring and the note that was attached to her when he found her as a baby. The note gives clues to her past. Crow, Osh, and Miss Maggie go to Penikese Island where Crow was born to try to learn more. Crow sees the gravestone with lamb on it and the name Morgan.
  • It means daughter.
  • After reaching out to the doctor and the nurse who worked with the lepers on Penikese Island, Crow learns who her parents are and that they said she was stillborn. She also learns she has an older brother named Jason.
  • After learning that there is treasure on Penikese buried by her mother, Crow, Osh, and Miss Maggie dig up the lamb gravestone and find a trunk of jewels, gems, and jewelry. Crow hides them in different locations and they are robbed.
  • The robber, Mr. Kramer, is caught, and Crow is at peace knowing about her past. She realizes the importance of the family that she does have and feels grateful for her life.
  • Just like Osh means father.
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