My Side of the Mountain handelt von einem Teenager namens Sam Gribley. Müde vom Stadtleben in einer überfüllten Wohnung beschließt Sam, das Land der Familie in den Bergen zu finden und alleine zu leben. Sams Abenteuer dreht sich um Mut, Überleben und Unabhängigkeit.
Lassen Sie die Schüler eine Broschüre erstellen, die Sam möglicherweise über das Überleben der Wildnis in Meine Seite des Berges von Jean Craighead George geschrieben hat
The Manner In Which You Don't StarveMake a fishing pole. You will need to whittle the end of a stick, and you will need to find grub under gross logs for bait. Look for game that hunters lost. Find useful plants. Remember: the key to finding edible plants is watching what the birds and animals are eating.
The Manner In Which You Make FriendsThe animals in the woods make terrific companions. Be sure to find a weasel who makes you laugh, a raccoon who keeps you on your toes, and a falcon who helps you hunt and is loyal forever.
The Manner In Which You Make a Fire"When the tinder glows, keep blowing and add fine dry needles one by one - and keep blowing, steadily, lightly, and evenly. Add one inch dry twigs to the needles and then give her a good big handful of small dry stuff. Keep blowing."
The Manner In Which You Find ShelterFind a large tree that is old and partially rotting at the heart of it. Dig with your ax until you have a large hole. Get a fire going inside of the tree (the way the Native Americans made canoes). Put the fire out and wait until all is dry before making the cozy spot your home.