Amerikka muuttui 11. syyskuuta 2001. Vaikka se on ratkaisevaa ja tärkeää aikaa maan historiassa, opettajat kamppailevat usein sen suhteen, kuinka käsitellä aihetta oppilaidensa kanssa herkästi, ikään sopivalla tavalla. Yksi tapa puhua lapsille syyskuun 11. päivästä on keskittyä kaikkiin uskomattomiin ihmisiin, jotka vaaransivat tai uhrasivat henkensä pelastaakseen muita. Nuorten aikuisten versio The Red Bandannasta on kaunis tositarina Welles Crowtherista, tavallisesta 24-vuotiaasta miehestä, jonka nimi ja sankarilliset teot tullaan muistamaan vielä monta vuotta.
I found the stairs. Follow me. Only help the ones that you can help. And follow me.
When Welles set his mind to something, he followed through. A dedicated athlete his whole life, Welles played varsity hockey, lacrosse, and soccer. He became a junior member of his town's fire department at the age of sixteen.
Welles was a very caring person his whole life. He was extremely close to his family, and friendly to everyone he met. He was also very protective over his loved ones, especially his younger sisters, Honor and Paige.
One of the most obvious of Welles' traits was his outstanding bravery. He considered it his duty to go back and help anyone he could in the tower, and didn't think twice about it.