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Envelope Assignment Presentation Template

Katso Oppituntisuunnitelma
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Envelope Assignment Presentation Template
Storyboard That

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Lähiluvun Kirjekuori Tehtävä

Kristy Littlehalen Oppituntisuunnitelmat

Kirjekuoritehtävä on loistava läheinen lukustrategia, joka auttaa oppilaita keskittymään yhteen tai useampaan teemaan koko lukemisen ajan. Kun se yhdistetään Storyboard That kanssa, se tekee tietojen jakamisesta mielenkiintoisempaa ja hauskempaa, vaikka he tekevätkin vielä paljon työtä!


Katso joitain muita opetusartikkeleitamme!

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Envelope Assignment | Close Reading Assignment Activities

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Example #1: pg. #
  • Example #2: pg. #
  • Example #3: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #4: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #5: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #6: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #7: pg. #
  • Example #8: pg. #
  • Example #9: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
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