  • Traži
  • Moje Ploče s Pričamaštovanje/naučiti-od-pogreške
Pregled Aktivnosti
Predložak i Upute za Razred
Pregled Aktivnosti Accordion Arrow

Pregled Aktivnosti

Dio toga što je student čini pogreške. Ponekad će studenti biti izazov ili suočeni s preprekama. Lako je pretvoriti prepreke u izgovore, ali prevazići ih bit će važna vještina za život. Prepoznavanje grešaka samo je prvi dio; učenje od njih je važnije. Studenti se mogu zadržati na svojim pogreškama, čak i ako drugima izgledaju beznačajno, pa to može uzrokovati da ne žele riskirati ili pokušati nešto novo. Važno je vježbati i shvatiti da su pogreške dio života.

U ovoj aktivnosti učenici će pogreške pretočiti u iskustvo učenja. Pojedinačno, učenici mogu koristiti vlastite pogreške jer će njihovu knjigu pregledavati samo nastavnik i učitelj, ali ako se to koristi kao grupna ili partnerska aktivnost, učenici će možda željeti stvoriti primjere izvan vlastitog iskustva. U ovom slučaju učitelju može biti korisno pružiti nekoliko pogrešaka koje učenici mogu odabrati i razgovarati o tome kako svaku od njih pretvoriti u pozitivno iskustvo učenja.

Predložak i Upute za Razred Accordion Arrow

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Upute za studente

Napravite ploču s knjigama koja će vam pokazati naučene lekcije prilikom svakodnevnih grešaka ili prepreka.

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Označite svaki stupac Prepreke / pogreške i lekcije .
  3. U svakoj ćeliji pogreške / prepreke prikazati uobičajenu grešku ili problem koji ste doživjeli vi ili tinejdžeri uopće.
  4. U svakoj ćeliji lekcije prikazati lik koji uči iz ove pogreške ili prepreke.
  5. Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.

Referentni Plan Lekcije

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Flip It!
Students will create a storyboard that shows three common mistakes and important lesson that comes from them.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes, and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with a title clearly differentiating the lessons from the mistake/obstacle.
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with, but it was sometimes unclear to the reader whether or not the cell was a lesson or a mistake/obstacle.
There was fewer than six cells or the storyboard was unfinished. The cells where unclear in differentiating the lessons from the mistakes/obstacles.
Three or more cells were created to show common mistakes students could make. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Only two cells used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Three or more cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
Only two cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a lesson teens learn throughout their experience.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Pregled Aktivnosti

Dio toga što je student čini pogreške. Ponekad će studenti biti izazov ili suočeni s preprekama. Lako je pretvoriti prepreke u izgovore, ali prevazići ih bit će važna vještina za život. Prepoznavanje grešaka samo je prvi dio; učenje od njih je važnije. Studenti se mogu zadržati na svojim pogreškama, čak i ako drugima izgledaju beznačajno, pa to može uzrokovati da ne žele riskirati ili pokušati nešto novo. Važno je vježbati i shvatiti da su pogreške dio života.

U ovoj aktivnosti učenici će pogreške pretočiti u iskustvo učenja. Pojedinačno, učenici mogu koristiti vlastite pogreške jer će njihovu knjigu pregledavati samo nastavnik i učitelj, ali ako se to koristi kao grupna ili partnerska aktivnost, učenici će možda željeti stvoriti primjere izvan vlastitog iskustva. U ovom slučaju učitelju može biti korisno pružiti nekoliko pogrešaka koje učenici mogu odabrati i razgovarati o tome kako svaku od njih pretvoriti u pozitivno iskustvo učenja.

Upute o Predlošku i Klasi

(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)

Upute za studente

Napravite ploču s knjigama koja će vam pokazati naučene lekcije prilikom svakodnevnih grešaka ili prepreka.

  1. Kliknite "Pokreni dodjelu".
  2. Označite svaki stupac Prepreke / pogreške i lekcije .
  3. U svakoj ćeliji pogreške / prepreke prikazati uobičajenu grešku ili problem koji ste doživjeli vi ili tinejdžeri uopće.
  4. U svakoj ćeliji lekcije prikazati lik koji uči iz ove pogreške ili prepreke.
  5. Spremite i pošaljite zadatak.

Referentni Plan Lekcije


(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)

Flip It!
Students will create a storyboard that shows three common mistakes and important lesson that comes from them.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes, and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with a title clearly differentiating the lessons from the mistake/obstacle.
Six cells were used with three cells showing common mistakes and three cells showing lessons learned. The cells where in a T-Chart formation with, but it was sometimes unclear to the reader whether or not the cell was a lesson or a mistake/obstacle.
There was fewer than six cells or the storyboard was unfinished. The cells where unclear in differentiating the lessons from the mistakes/obstacles.
Three or more cells were created to show common mistakes students could make. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Only two cells used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a common mistake/obstacle teens regular face throughout their educational experience.
Three or more cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
Only two cells were created to show an important lessons students learn through making mistakes/overcoming obstacles. Each cell used exemplary scenes, characters, and text to convey the lesson.
The submitted storyboard was unfinished or only one cell used adequate scenes, characters, and text to convey a lesson teens learn throughout their experience.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

Učitelji i učenici nas vole

Cijene za Škole i Okruge

Ponuda za Uvodnu Školu
  • 1 Škola
  • 5 učitelja za jednu godinu
  • 1 sat virtualne PD

30-dnevno jamstvo povrata novca • Samo novi kupci • Puna cijena nakon uvodne ponude • Pristup je za 1 kalendarsku godinu

*(To će započeti s 2 tjedna besplatnog probnog razdoblja - nije potrebna kreditna kartica)štovanje/naučiti-od-pogreške
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Sva prava pridržana.
StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a