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Mentalità di Crescita

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Mentalità di Crescita
Storyboard That

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Un'aula di studenti si siede ai banchi con i laptop aperti. Il loro insegnante ha lo Storyboard That  proiettato sulla lavagna.

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Queste attività guideranno te e gli studenti attraverso il processo di creazione di storyboard che servono a due scopi: far familiarizzare gli studenti con il programma e conoscere i tuoi nuovi studenti e scoprire i loro obiettivi, aspirazioni, simpatie e antipatie in un mezzo visivo divertente .


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Storyboard Descrizione

Chiedi agli studenti di confrontare e confrontare la crescita con la mentalità fissa per aiutarli a prepararsi per il successo nel nuovo anno scolastico!

Testo Storyboard

  • A fixed mindset is like a locked brain. You believe that you are either good at something or you're not good at something and that's all there is to it.
  • I can't do this so I'm not even going to try!
  • A growth mindset is like an unlocked brain. You believe that you can learn anything with effort!
  • I can't do this yet, but I am going to keep trying!
  • With a fixed mindset, you don't like to be challenged. Rather than put in the effort, you give up easily.
  • With a growth mindset, you want to be challenged because you know that learning and growing your brain is the goal! You may not know how to do something YET, but you will keep trying until you learn!
  • Welcome Students!Today's Schedule:1. Math
  • Odio la matematica! Non posso farlo perché non sono bravo a farlo!
  • Gli studenti di benvenuto! Il programma di oggi: 1. Matematica
  • Math is challenging for me. I'm going to work on training my math brain today!
  • 4
  • Someone with a fixed mindset is afraid of making mistakes. They fear that if they try and fail at something it will mean that they're no good.
  • That was so easy! I got an "A" because I'm so smart.
  • A
  • Someone with a growth mindset knows that making mistakes is what makes your brain bigger! You can learn from your failures. New challenges make you stronger and the more you challenge yourself, the more you grow and learn!
  • I worked hard to study. I did well because I put in the effort and had a good attitude!
  • A
  • A fixed mindset can mean that you believe you have natural abilities that determine everything. Therefore, if something comes easy to you it's because you are smart. If something is challenging for you, it is because you are not smart. With a fixed mindset, there is no room for effort and growth.
  • A growth mindset means that it is our effort and attitude that determine our success. With a growth mindset, you believe that you can meet challenges with hard work and perseverance and that there is always room for improvement!
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