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Uccello in Gabbia: TWIST

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Uccello in Gabbia: TWIST
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TWIST Acronimo di Literary Analysis

TWIST Graphic Organizer

Piani di Lezione di Rebecca Ray

Con il metodo TWIST, agli studenti viene chiesto di cercare e analizzare i seguenti termini: tono, scelta delle parole, immagini e dettagli, stile e tema. Scopri di più su come rendere l'analisi della prosa divertente e coinvolgente con gli storyboard!

Uccello in Gabbia di Maya Angelou

"Caged Bird" di Maya Angelou

Di Lauren Ayube

Pubblicato nel 1983 nella raccolta di poesie Shaker di Maya Angelou , Why Don't You Sing , "Caged Bird" parla delle esperienze e delle visioni di vita di un uccello libero contro un uccello in gabbia. La metafora dei due uccelli illustra la differenza tra privilegio e potere, e sofferenza e resilienza. Simboleggia anche la differenza tra afroamericani e bianchi durante il movimento per i diritti civili.


Uccello in Gabbia

Storyboard Descrizione

TWIST per Caged Bird

Testo Storyboard

  • T - TONE
  • S - STYLE
  • But a bird that stalksdown his narrow cagecan seldom see throughhis bars of rage
  • The caged bird singswith a fearful trillof things unknownbut longed for still
  • T - THEME
  • The tone of this poem is sad and serious. One example of this is, "But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams."
  • When describing the free bird, Angelou uses bright and happy words such as dawn, sun rays, and bright lawn. When she is talking about the caged bird, however, she uses dark words such as fearful, rage, and nightmare.
  • "And dips his wing in the orange sun rays, and dares to claim the sky." Angelou is showing the reader that the bird is free to fly the beautiful, radiant sky with no boundaries.
  • This poem is unstructured. Sometimes it rhymes, the number of syllables per line is inconsistent, and there is some repetition. This is a free verse poem.
  • The two main themes in this poem are freedom and captivity. The free bird represents white people, while the caged bird represents the oppressed African American people.
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