Activity Overview
Storyboarding is a great way to compare and contrast literary elements, characters, or events. Have your students choose an example of similarities and differences from their reading to depict using the storyboard creator. In the storyboard, an example of each similarity and/or difference should be visually represented, along with an explanation of the scene, and how it is similar or different.
In this example, the characters of Felix and Antonio are compared. Because they are the protagonists, it makes sense for students to understand where each boy is coming from and the things that keep their friendship solid. The things that make them different will help students understand more about each boy, and even make informed inferences on the outcome of the fight (as seen in another activity).
Template and Class Instructions
(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)
Student Instructions
Create a storyboard comparing and contrasting two characters from "Amigo Brothers".
- Use the template provided by your teacher.
- Select two characters to compare and contrast.
- Describe the things that are similar between the two characters in the middle cell description box.
- Describe the things that are unique to each character in the right and left cells.
- Illustrate each cell with appropriate characters, scenes, and items.
Lesson Plan Reference
- CCSS: RL.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
- CCSS: W.6.9 - Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Comparison Analysis | Text and images include a clear explanation of similarities and/or differences between the categories or topics. These comparisons go beyond superficial elements and show strong understanding. | Text and images include an explanation of similarities and/or differences between the categories or topics, but the explanation may lack clarity or show only superficial understanding in some squares. | Text and images may include no explanation of similarities and/or differences, or they may make only superficial or inaccurate comparisons. |
Storyboard Image and Effort | Student clearly shows effort to convey the setting, characters and specific scene of the book. The scene is clearly identifiable based on the graphic depiction. | Student attempts to convey the setting, characters, and specific scene through use of graphics, but the depiction may be confusing, disordered, or lack some detail. | Student does not clearly convey the setting, characters, and scene. |
Spelling and Grammar | Student uses exemplary spelling and grammar. There are no errors. | Student makes one or two minor errors in spelling and grammar. | Student makes multiple errors in spelling and grammar. |
Activity Overview
Storyboarding is a great way to compare and contrast literary elements, characters, or events. Have your students choose an example of similarities and differences from their reading to depict using the storyboard creator. In the storyboard, an example of each similarity and/or difference should be visually represented, along with an explanation of the scene, and how it is similar or different.
In this example, the characters of Felix and Antonio are compared. Because they are the protagonists, it makes sense for students to understand where each boy is coming from and the things that keep their friendship solid. The things that make them different will help students understand more about each boy, and even make informed inferences on the outcome of the fight (as seen in another activity).
Template and Class Instructions
(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)
Student Instructions
Create a storyboard comparing and contrasting two characters from "Amigo Brothers".
- Use the template provided by your teacher.
- Select two characters to compare and contrast.
- Describe the things that are similar between the two characters in the middle cell description box.
- Describe the things that are unique to each character in the right and left cells.
- Illustrate each cell with appropriate characters, scenes, and items.
Lesson Plan Reference
- CCSS: RL.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
- CCSS: W.6.9 - Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Comparison Analysis | Text and images include a clear explanation of similarities and/or differences between the categories or topics. These comparisons go beyond superficial elements and show strong understanding. | Text and images include an explanation of similarities and/or differences between the categories or topics, but the explanation may lack clarity or show only superficial understanding in some squares. | Text and images may include no explanation of similarities and/or differences, or they may make only superficial or inaccurate comparisons. |
Storyboard Image and Effort | Student clearly shows effort to convey the setting, characters and specific scene of the book. The scene is clearly identifiable based on the graphic depiction. | Student attempts to convey the setting, characters, and specific scene through use of graphics, but the depiction may be confusing, disordered, or lack some detail. | Student does not clearly convey the setting, characters, and scene. |
Spelling and Grammar | Student uses exemplary spelling and grammar. There are no errors. | Student makes one or two minor errors in spelling and grammar. | Student makes multiple errors in spelling and grammar. |
How To Compare and Contrast Through Storyboards
Find Quotes That Illuminate Characters
In order to compare and contrast characters, it is helpful for students to find quotes from the story that tell who each character is. Some students will find this easy to accomplish, while others will need more help.
Explore Similarities
Students should find the similarities between the characters. This may be their background, their school, the way they talk, the clothes they wear, or any other elements that are the same.
Define Differences
Students should define the differences they see in the characters. There are so many ways they can be different, such as schooling, beliefs, family life, etc. and this is what makes stories interesting.
Use a Storyboard to Lay it All Out
Students should lay out the differences in characters using a storyboard, and create some illustrations to showcase them. The original quotes will be a part of this, as well as pictures and bullet points.
Frequently Asked Questions about Compare and Contrast Characters | Antonio and Felix
Who is the protagonist in Amigo Brothers?
Amigo Brothers is an interesting story because there are dual protagonists. Both Antonio and Felix are considered protagonists because they move the story along. The story could not exist without both of them together.
Why are similarities in characters important?
Similarities tell us what characters have in common and shed light on why the characters might get along or react in positive ways with other characters. From background to life experiences, similarities teach us a lot about characters.
Why are character differences important?
Along with similarities, differences teach the reader where characters and their interactions might not mesh, and show us how they stand out and apart from each other. The differences teach us so much as the plot moves along.
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Amigo Brothers
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