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Welcome to Storyboard That for Business! Below are guides to all of our business resources and templates to help you get started right away. Explore resources for film and video, marketing, business strategy, software development, product management, and training and HR. You'll find articles that will let you dig deep into business topics and strategies as well as collections of templates to help you create your first project or video storyboard on StoryboardThat.

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Illustrated Guides

Storyboard That has created visual guides to various terms for the business world, such as Operating Leverage and Progressive Disclosure. They're perfect for introducing your team to new concepts or refreshing terms you use every day in the office. Click on one of the links below to learn more about business terms and design thinking concepts!

Design Thinking   |   Business Terms

Design Thinking Workshop & Custom Services

It's easier than ever to bring Design Thinking into your business. Download our free workshop, and get access to a pre-made powerpoint, team activities, and more! And if you're looking for custom, proprietary art or more in depth training, you can check out our additional services for business accounts.

Featured Resources

5 Tips for Effective Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Journey Mapping
Business Infographic Templates
Business Infographic Templates
How to Use Personas
Use Personas in Business

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