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Activity Overview

Communication is one of the key components to a healthy relationship. Unfortunately for teenagers, this usually isn’t their strongest skill. Students may find it hard to think about what they are saying before they say it. Changing what is said may be difficult, but teaching teens how to say what they are thinking is a realistic goal. One way to do so is with the introduction of ‘I Statements’.

When someone is trying to get their point across and the speaker says “you keep doing this” or “you keep saying that”, it forces the listener to be in the wrong. The listener then goes on the defensive and often fires back. This is not an effective way to communicate. By simply changing the communication toward themselves “I think...”, “I feel...” and “I want…”, the listener then hears what their actions are doing to the other person. In this activity, students will use I... statements to communicate effectively in a provided scenario. The scenario and resolution should be completed for them to ensure a positive outcome. The only cells students will be creating are the I statements. The storyboard above will be copied into your account when you click "Use This Assignment", and you can tailor it and add it as a template for students to copy.

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Finish the story with examples of I Statements using I Think, I Feel, and I Want.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. The scenario and resolution cell has been done for you.
  3. Finish the story by creating effective I Statements from Sandra in the three cells in between.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

I Statements
Students will create a storyboard that shows the correct usage of I Statements.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Structure and Grammar
Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
Three cells were used in conjunction with the original two with a title describing the theme of the cell. There are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but understanding of content is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes, creating an unclear understanding of content.
I Think
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that should not put blame on Mike.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement thought.
I Feel
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that should not put blame on Mike.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement feeling that partially puts blame on Mike.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement feeling.
I Want
The cell used exemplary school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement want that should not put blame on Mike.
The cell used adequate school-appropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey a proper I Statement thought that partially puts blame on Mike.
The cell used inappropriate scenes, characters, and text to convey the I Statement want.

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