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Activity Overview

The story of Tuck Everlasting revolves around the Tuck family’s immortality and Winnie pondering hers. Students will inevitably wonder what they would’ve done. If given the opportunity, would they drink water that would give them everlasting life? For this activity, students will create a three-cell storyboard that states their opinion, and gives two reasons that support their answer.

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Due Date:

Objective: Create a spider map that answers the question, “Would you drink water that would give you everlasting life?”

Student Instructions:

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. In the first cell, write at least one sentence that states the answer to the question, “Would you drink water that would give you everlasting life?” in the description box.
  3. Create an image that represents you stating your opinion.
  4. In the second cell, write at least 2 sentences explaining a reason to support your opinion. Illustrate your answer.
  5. Repeat for the third cell.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

State Your Opinion
State your opinion and support it with examples from the text.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Opinion is clearly stated and the two examples are well organized and easy to understand.
Opinion is clearly stated, and one example is well organized and can be understood.
The opinion is not clearly stated and the examples cannot be understood or do not relate to the opinion.
Illustrations depict the written description with clear visuals of appropriate scenes, characters, items, etc.
Illustrations depict the written description but are unclear or incomplete.
Illustrations do not make sense with the written description.
Spelling and Grammar
Spelling and grammar is mostly accurate. Mistakes do not get in the way of understanding.
Spelling is inaccurate and hinders full understanding.
Text is difficult to understand.

How to Use the Water Decision Activity from Tuck Everlasting for Cross-Curricular Learning


Introducing the Concept and Cross-Curricular Links

Begin the class by revisiting the key decision in "Tuck Everlasting" – whether to drink the water that grants immortality. Explain how this decision is not just a literary one but can be linked to various subjects like science, history, and ethics. Discuss the implications of immortality in different contexts – biological, historical, and moral. This introduction sets the stage for students to think broadly and integrate multiple disciplines into their understanding of the novel's themes.


Research and Exploration in Different Subjects

Assign students to research the concept of immortality as it relates to different subjects. In science, they might explore the biological aspects of aging and life extension. In history, they can look into historical beliefs and practices regarding immortality or eternal life. For ethics, students could investigate the moral implications of living forever. This research phase allows students to gather information and perspectives from various disciplines, enriching their understanding of the novel’s themes.


Creating the Cross-Curricular Storyboard

Using the information gathered in their research, students will create a three-cell storyboard. The first cell will state their personal decision regarding the water from "Tuck Everlasting." The next two cells should provide reasons supporting their decision, drawing on insights from their cross-curricular research. Encourage creativity in how they visually and textually represent their decision, emphasizing the integration of the different subjects they have explored.


Presentation and Reflection

Students will present their storyboards to the class, explaining how their decision is supported by their cross-curricular research. This step allows students to share and reflect on how different disciplines can provide diverse lenses through which to analyze and interpret literary themes. Conclude the lesson with a class discussion on how this activity deepened their understanding of "Tuck Everlasting" and the complexity of its central decision.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tuck Everlasting - Text Connection

How can students make personal connections with 'Tuck Everlasting'?

Students can make personal connections with "Tuck Everlasting" by reflecting on how the themes and characters relate to their own life experiences and beliefs. For instance, they might consider how they feel about the concept of immortality presented in the book and compare it to their perspectives on life and death. They could also relate the characters' experiences and dilemmas to their situations or choices they've faced. Encouraging students to write personal reflections or journal entries about these connections can deepen their understanding of the novel and foster a more personal engagement with its themes. By drawing parallels between the novel and their lives, students not only gain insight into the text but also reflect on their values and experiences.

How can 'Tuck Everlasting' be connected to broader world issues or historical events?

"Tuck Everlasting" can be connected to broader world issues and historical events by exploring its universal themes in a larger context. The novel's exploration of immortality, for instance, can be linked to ongoing scientific research and ethical debates in the fields of life extension and aging. The theme of the natural cycle of life can prompt discussions on environmental conservation and humanity's relationship with nature. Moreover, the novel’s setting in the late 19th century allows for historical connections, such as examining the societal norms and technological advancements of that era. Discussing these connections in class helps students understand the novel's relevance to real-world issues and historical contexts, enhancing their global awareness and historical understanding.

What types of activities can facilitate deeper text connections in a classroom setting?

Various activities can be employed in a classroom setting to facilitate deeper text connections with "Tuck Everlasting." Group discussions and debates on themes such as immortality and moral choices can encourage students to share and consider diverse perspectives. Creative writing assignments, like composing alternative endings or writing from a character’s perspective, allow students to explore the novel creatively. Artistic projects, such as creating thematic collages or drawing scenes from the book, can help visual learners connect with the text. Additionally, comparing "Tuck Everlasting" with other literary works or media in class discussions or essays can deepen students' understanding of literary themes and techniques. These activities not only enhance students' engagement with the novel but also develop their critical thinking and creative skills.

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