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Jausmų Socialinė Istorija

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Jausmų Socialinė Istorija
Storyboard That

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Socialinio Emocinio Mokymosi Veikla

Socialinio Emocinio Mokymosi Veikla Pradinėje ir Vidurinėje Mokykloje

Autorius Lauren Ayube

Socialinis ir emocinis mokymasis – tai įgūdžių, reikalingų dideliems jausmams valdyti, santykiams formuoti, savęs pažinimui, problemų sprendimui, atsakingiems pasirinkimams ir tikslams kelti, mokymas ir ugdymas. SEL taip pat daug dėmesio skiria atviram bendravimui ir empatijai. Sužinokite daugiau Storyboard That!

Socialinės Istorijos Klasėje

Socialinės istorijos su Storyboard That

Socialinės istorijos yra individualizuotos trumpos istorijos apie socialinę situaciją, su kuria vaikai gali susidurti bet kuriuo metu. Raskite daug iš anksto sukurtų pavyzdžių ir išteklių, kad galėtumėte lengvai įtraukti socialines istorijas į klasę!


Socialinis Emocinis Mokymasis

Siužetinės Linijos Tekstas

  • They are at the pool together!
  • Oh honey, they are your best friends. You should tell them how you feel.
  • I am so glad we talked about it. I feel much better.
  • Let's go for a bike ride!
  • I have two best friends, Emma and Jen. We live in the same neighborhood and do everything together!
  • One day over the summer, Jen invited Emma to the pool and didn't invite me.
  • I cried in my room for a long time and didn't want to come out. I was embarassed, mad, and hurt.
  • My mom came in to see what was wrong and I told her everything. It felt good to get it off of my chest. My mom encouraged me to talk to Emma and Jen about how I felt, but I am not sure that I want to.
  • After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that sometimes it's hard to be in a group of three friends. Not everyone is included all of the time, and sometimes I do things with one of them and not the other. I know that my friends wouldn't hurt me on purpose, and I decided to talk to them about it the next day.
  • It turned out that Emma's mom only allowed her to bring one friend that day, and Emma was so upset about having to choose that she flipped a coin! We all promised to be upfront in situations like this in the future, so that no one takes anything personally.
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