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Catcher In The Rye - Holden Caulfield - Antihero

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Catcher In The Rye - Holden Caulfield - Antihero
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Anti Hero Definēšana

Rebekas Rejas Nodarbību Plāni

Pieaugošā tendence literatūrā, ekrānā un uz skatuves ir mainījusies, lai radītu kļūdainākus varoņus. Tikuma paraugi, kuri ir drosmīgi, spējīgi un vienmēr rīkojas pareizi. Šo iedvesmojošo varoņu vietā daudzos darbos ir viens otru papildinošs arhetips: antivaronis.

Ķērājs Rudzu Stundu Plānos

Uz kraujas rudzu laukā JD Salinger

Kristy Littlehale Nodarbību Plāni

Dž.D. Selindžers “The Catcher in the Rye” raksturoja kā romānu par “indivīda atsvešinātību bezsirdīgā pasaulē”. Iesaistiet studentus, kad viņi uzzina par Holdena Kolfīlda ceļojumu, izmantojot mūsu iepriekš sagatavotās aktivitātes un stāstu shēmas!


Uz Kraujas Rudzu Laukā

Montāžas Apraksts

Catcher In The Rye Holden Caulfield as an Antihero

Montāžas Teksta

  • Hi, I am Holden Caulfield. I am 16 years old and I am currently undergoing mental health treatment.
  • ...although I failed 4 out of 5 of my classes, it's not my fault. I have this roommate who has BO and forces girls to sleep with him. I also tend to enhance the truth....
  • Well, I do have a few issues I need to work out, like not being able to relate to people and my apathy towards reality, especially my future.
  • I never thought my lying and discontent would get me beat up...
  • ...but people still like me because I have morals and values; I see people for who they are and not what they are.
  • Antihero is introduced.
  • The reader begins to see positive and negative character traits.
  • The reader learns that the character is dynamic, often having positive and negative traits.
  • The negitive traits of the protagonist make him an antihero.
  • ...yet his positive attributes give them a redeeming quality.
  • Conclusion: antihero
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