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Bildungsroman Voorbeeld van Grote Verwachtingen

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Bildungsroman Voorbeeld van Grote Verwachtingen
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Lesplannen met Hoge Verwachtingen

Grote verwachtingen geschreven door Charles Dickens

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In Great Expectations volgt de lezer de hoofdpersoon, een jonge jongen genaamd Pip, door de kansen en relaties in zijn leven. Help uw leerlingen het verhaal tot leven te brengen met de vooraf gemaakte lesplannen en activiteiten van Storyboard That!

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Een van de meest populaire vormen van literaire fictie, de romans van Bildungsroman leggen de essentie vast van karaktergroei, volwassenheid en begrip van de wereld om hen heen. In de kern is dit type roman een verhaal over het rijpingsproces van een personage, vooral vanaf de kindertijd; in feite wordt het vaak een 'coming-of-age'-verhaal genoemd.


Grote Verwachtingen

Storyboard Beschrijving

Bildungsroman Voorbeeld: Grote Verwachtingen

Storyboard Tekst

  • Characteristic #1
  • Characteristic #2
  • Characteristic #3
  • Pip is from a small, rural area south of London, affectionately called "the meshes," or the marshes, by local people.
  • In order for Pip to find happiness and content, he must journey to London and begin his education to become a gentleman.
  • Pip knows that he used to be happy, before he met Estella. He believes that becoming a gentleman and winning her over will make him happy again.
  • Pip is tutored by Matthew Pocket, a relative of Miss Havisham's, and is helped by Matthew's son Herbert, in the ways of becoming a gentleman.
  • When Pip arrives in London, he finds it to be dirty and depressing, not at all the glitz and glamour he had envisioned.
  • Pip realizes that he is not meant to have Estella, because his benefactor is Abel Magwitch, a convict. Therefore, Pip can have no hope of being accepted in high society.
  • Pip resolves to help Magwitch escape from England, despite knowing it is a risk. First, he ensures that Miss Havisham will continue his secret plan to help Herbert financially.
  • As Magwitch lays in his prison cell dying, Pip does not tell him that his fortune has been confiscated; instead, he gives him the gift of knowing his daughter is still alive.
  • Pip falls ill and Joe tends to him; Pip realizes that his home is not in London after all, and resolves to make himself an honest man for Biddy.
  • Pip returns to the forge a changed man, but discovers that Joe and Biddy have just gotten married. He decides to go work for Herbert in Cairo instead.
  • Pip returns to visit Joe, Biddy, and their kids. Pip lives with Herbert and Clara and never married. He is no longer proud and arrogant, and has repaired his relationship with Joe.
  • Pip meets Estella at Satis House, and while they are both greatly changed, they offer comfort to one another. Pip also reveals to Herbert that he helped him financially.
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