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World Geography Travel Brochure, Frankrike

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World Geography Travel Brochure, Frankrike
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World Geography Project Ideer

World Geography Projects

Av Liane Hicks

Å undervise i verdensgeografi kan vise seg å være utfordrende og abstrakt. En av de beste måtene lærere kan bekjempe dette på, er ved å gjøre studiet av ulike steder rundt om i verden levende med dynamiske og tilpassbare prosjekter som kombinerer digital historiefortelling, geografi og studentfantasi.


World Geography Projects

Storyboard Beskrivelse

Studenter kan lage en falsk reisebrosjyre mens de studerer verdensgeografi for å fremheve mat, klima, attraksjoner og mer!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Image Attributions:Eiffel Tower from the Bottom (https://www.flickr.com/photos/54567848@N04/5625254817/) - mikeyyuen - License: Attribution, Non Commercial (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/)
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • The Louvre Museum
  • The Eiffel Tower was constructed from 1887 - 1889 by Gustave Eiffel. It's 324 meters (1,063 feet) tall and is located in Paris, France. It is perhaps one of the most well known French landmarks, drawing over 6 million visitors each year.
  • While croissants and French bread are perhaps the most well known French foods, they are also known for macarons, chocolate mousse, brie, eclair, croque-monsieur, and omelettes.
  • Breakfast in France usually consists of breads with jams, honey, or butter (or a mix) and a hot drink. Sometimes the bread is toasted.
  • Do they eat the same breakfast as us?
  • France
  • France

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