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Bullying - Actions to Take if YOU are Bullied

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Bullying - Actions to Take if YOU are Bullied
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Bevissthet om Mobbing på Skolen

Typer av Mobbing

By Rebecca Ray

Her på Storyboard That har vi funnet ut at ved å bruke storyboards til å lage rollespillscenarier, kan elevene bedre se effektene og egenskapene til mobbing. Gjennom interaktive leksjoner kan du bidra til å endre elevenes tankesett fra «mobbing er et problem» til «mobbing er et problem, og jeg kan gjøre noe med det».


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Actions to stop bullying if you are the one being bullied. Teach students bullying prevention with comics

Storyboard Tekst

  • I'm being bullied and I need some help.
  • I had no idea! Please let me know how I can help you.
  • Hey, Ugly! I'm talking to you four-eyes!
  • Welcome to the Peer Mediation Club!
  • I am not stupid! I get good grades and always try my hardest.
  • Tell someone: ask friends, adults, teachers, and parents.
  • Stay calm and confident, use neutral language, and walk away.
  • Raise awareness: start a club or anti-bullying campaign.
  • No one has the right to bully you.
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